City on Water
Amidst the ruins of Tokyo, a major force in rethinking japanese society after the second world war were the metabolists, a group of architects, utopians and designers who thought and worked on new ways of urban planning and city development.

Hallmarks of their approach were the conviction and belief in unbounded technological progress as well as the need for urban expansion on water, thus resulting in architectural ideas that resembled an otherworldly techno-utopia.

As a testament to bold ambitions of past and present stands the waterfront city of Odaiba with its ever growing expainsion into the bay. This city on the water has a special status in times of rising sea-levels, representing a model of how the city of the future might look like.

In 2015 the whole world seems to know: Greece is a problem.

But what kind? A regulatory one? One for the Euro? For Brussels? For Germany? For the Greeks?

OXI is an attempt to make sense of the European power struggles over a battered Greece.

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